Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Greatest Housing Bill Ever... NOT!

I don't know about you, but I was so excited to hear that today, Congress passed a bill providing real help for homeowners facing forclosure and serious measures targeting the housing crisis. I knew better than to be excited, because I went through the same thing with last year's FHA mortgage assistance excitement, just to be seriously crushed when I found out I didn't qualify, because my loan had it's first adjustment more than 3 years earlier.

So I read everything I could on today's "landmark legislation" with both excited hope and a jaundiced eye: Maybe this time, *I* could get some help.

I will warn you right now is a VERY long "I'm on a soapbox!" rant....

First off, this "unprecedented" bill is "regarded as the most significant housing legislation in decades." That's a lot to say, considering it's only going to cost us taxpayers SEVERAL HUNDRED BILLION DOLLARS. But hey, if it helps stop people from losing their homes, I'm all for it.