Monday, September 29, 2008

$700 Billion Bailout Busts...

While like many Americans, I was stunned about today's massive 777+ point drop in the Dow Jones, but I can't help but think that it would have happened anyway, even if the big $700 billion-dollar bailout had passed the House today.

Why?  Well, if you were watching, the stock was down by more than 230 points before they started voting!  Maybe if they passed it the Dow would have dropped less, but it still would have dropped.  After the failure of the House to pass the bill, the Federal Reserve started dumping money into the market, and even this didn't slow the plummeting Dow.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Mortgage Mess... or how I saved my home from foreclosure, at least for now

As one can see from my prior very-long-winded post about the so-called housing bill, I'm more than a little interested in the how the mortgage industry in our country operates.  My own personal experience, which I'll share now, perhaps will help not only illustrate just how screwed up the industry is, but also, how even the smartest of persons can end up with a mortgage nightmare.  Maybe it will save a few of you some grief in your own lives.